Friday, May 31, 2013

Potato chips

Some things are just awesome. And potato chips are just one of them.

They're salty, crunchy, crispy and come in different flavors. When you have nothing to do, do potato chips.

I learnt the history of potato chips back when I was 10 thanks to Nickelodeon. They're an American invention. A cousin of the French fries. So the story says that a dude sent back his fries in a restaurant because they were were too thick. The chef sends him a thinner batch. This too was sent back. Irritated, the chef sends him a batch which was so thin that it couldn't be eaten with a fork and knife. But the dude really liked these crispy chips and so did everyone else in the world. Thus the potato chips were invented. Lays made a lot of money and kids got fat. Hooray !

But like all things awesome, too much of potato chips can get boring.

Moderation brothers.

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