Friday, October 3, 2014

All of my homies yo !

I was doing nothing one day. I looked up and I saw this.

But then I go on and continue doing nothing. Sometime later (read 37 seconds) later I looked up again to see this !

How could things change so fast! I'm not good with changes. And particularly worse with quick changes. It affects me mentally. If everything is going to change this fast how the hell am I going to keep up. By the time I get used to something, it'd have changed! 

The image of the clouds changing so fast kept coming at me again and again. To haunt me in lectures and sometimes even in my sleep! OH NO!

My innovative brain ( I love you squishy stuff) devised the following mechanism to help me deal with it. It's called Let's-Personify.

When the tiny wittle black clouds were playing in the sky, the big white one's came and said, "Yo! Buzz off!" This made the tiny wittle black clouds sad. Like this.

But then the tiny wittle black clouds remember that together they could be powerful and one of them said, "Yo! Lets get together yo!" And that's what they did. Like this.

This made them look bad and ugly but at least they could float around too. 

And thus I learnt to personify inanimate things when I'm bored. 

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