Monday, June 10, 2013

Embarrassing moment #1

I have had a million embarrassing moments. Okay, not a million but 647. That's as good as a million. And each time it happens I just feel so bad. Like a really bad kind of bad. I hope you get how bad I feel.

So anyway, Embarrassing moment #1 isn't the one which tops the charts, it's the earliest one that I can recollect. So I'm around four. Playing. Yeah, I did a lot of playing at four. And its evening time, so I'm also waiting for my Dad to come back from work. Multitasking at four! Then I see my Dad. Or I think I do. And I go running along the entire length of the sidewalk screaming, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAEEDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" and hug his left leg.

Right. I'm so embarrassed again.
And after a minute or so of deep embrace I look up to see that the leg doesn't belong to my Dad but some random dude who looks no where close to my Dad. And I'm all Hehe.. I'm gonna let go of your leg now. This never happened. 

Imagine an embarrassed four year old. No, stop imagining. It's too sad.

1 comment:

  1. Damn that is embarrassin. I hope you don't get an opportunity to write such posts.
