Thursday, June 6, 2013


I can't seem to generate voice signals greater than 1000 Hz. Human speaking range is 300-3000 Hz

That's pretty bad actually. Makes people go,
"pardon me child?"
"come again?"
"excuse me?"
"Damn it you, mouse! Can't you speak louder!"

Yeah. It's bad.

I have trouble answering to teachers, grown-ups, good-looking men and other people to whom it's extremely crucial to answer.

It affects my leadership skills. People can't seem to get the authority. I'm bossing over you. Act like your being bossed over! But I've managed. Let the fingers do the talking.

I get ignored. Because yeah, no one heard me.

Elocution competitions are impossible to win. I've had teachers waving at me frantically from the back of the hall gesturing me to speak louder. I can't lady. Let the fat girl win again.

I can't call out to people. Can't hear me again. I feel like Rose from Titanic. Like how she's asking the rescue boat to come back. "Come back!" she says. But oh no! She's so cold, she's lost her voice. But look! A dead  crewman has a whistle! And whistles work even if your cold! Yaay! Rose is saved. Makes babies. Grows old to see her naked picture being rescued from the fathoms of the sea.
I don't even have a whistle. I can't whistle. I can just blow spit.

But I like it when I say something inappropriate and no one's heard me. This happens often. So I'm not complaining.

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